Thermodynamics Software

Thermodynamics Software En estos tiempos tan difíciles que atravesamos, desde Amphos 21 queremos contribuir con nuestro granito de arena. Lanzamos libremente el código CHIMERA. desarrollado por nuestro equipo, con la…

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Chimera 4.2

SPANA (formerly MEDUSA) is a graphic user interface to the chemical equilibrium diagrams software SED-PREDOM. The chemical equilibrium constants needed for SPANA diagrams are contained in DATABASE (formerly HYDRA). The…

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Puesto de Hidrólogo Intermedio

Amphos 21 se encuentra en la búsqueda de profesionales para ocupar el puesto de Hidrólogo Modelador orientado al desarrollo de balances de agua que integre activamente nuestro equipo de profesionales…

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The computer code MARFA (Migration Analysis for Radionuclides in the FAr field) uses an extremely efficient particle-based Monte Carlo method to simulate the transport of radionuclides in fractured rock systems. The algorithm uses non-interacting particles to represent packets of radionuclide mass. These particles are moved through the system according to rules that mimic the underlying physical transport and retention processes. In contrast to the conventional random walk particle tracking algorithm, which use a specified time step and random spatial displacement, the MARFA algorithms use a fixed spatial displacement and a random transit time for the displacement. The use of a fixed spatial displacement makes the code extremely robust and computationally efficient.

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