iCP stands for interface Comsol-Phreeqc. It is an interface to couple Comsol and Phreeqc. The result of this interface is a tool for solving a wide range of multiphysics and chemical problems. It is written in Java and uses the IPhreeqc C++ dynamic library and the Comsol Java API. Furthermore, it takes advantage of the multicore computer architecture by balancing the computational load over different threads.





iCP is able to model as many physical phenomena as Comsol does, combined with the powerful chemical capabilities of Phreeqc. From a geoscientific point of view these capabilities can be resumed as:

  • Hydrodynamics: Saturated, unsaturated, density driven, multiphase or free laminar flow, both in porous and fracture media
  • Thermal: Energy conservation
  • Mechanics: Geomechanics and poroeslasticity
  • Chemistry: Aqueous speciation, acid-base, redox, cation exchange, surface complexation, mineral dissolution and precipitation, solid solutions …

Furthermore, couplings between chemical and physical processes can also be considered, such as chemically-induced porosity changes and their impact on permeability.

How to cite iCP:

Nardi, A., Idiart, A., Trinchero, P., de Vries, L. M., and J. Molinero. Interface COMSOL-PHREEQC (iCP), an efficient numerical framework for the solution of coupled multiphysics and geochemistry. Computers & Geosciences 69 (2014): 10-21.


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